Reading FC Match Report: 2014/2015 Season - Championship


Reading: G Murray (15), G Murray (54), N Blackman (85).
Fulham: --

This was a game which disproved the theory that there are ‘no easy games at this level’. It is unlikely that Reading pick up three points as comfortably as this again this season. Admittedly their task was made easier when Smith’s appalling lunge at Akpan after eighteen minutes had reduced their opponents to ten men, but by then Reading were already dominating the game, and had taken the lead with a superbly created and taken goal by Murray.

This was very different Reading team from the one which had looked so vulnerable in their last home game. The power and aggression of Mackie, Murray and Cox were more than the Fulham back four could handle. With Obita, Taylor, Gunter and Mackie marauding down the flanks, and Norwood pinging long passes wide with unerring accuracy, Reading looked a class above their recently relegated opponents. Reading deservedly took the lead when Obita went past his man and curled in a superb cross for Murray to convert with a diving header. Fulham had their chances but an excellent stop by Federici and a well timed last ditch tackle (by Hector I think) prevented an undeserved equaliser. Norwood was playing a key role in midfield but spurned a chance to open his account when he ran onto a ball which sat up nicely for him but took the option of jinking his way closer to goal and lost possession. Murray spun and shot wide, and Gunther shaved the post with good low strike, but Reading were unable convert their dominance in to goals. Fulham fans were clearly not happy with their team’s first half performance.

Fulham ‘keeper Kiraly (looking remarkably like like a school boy who had forgotten his kit) made two outstanding save early in the second half. Cox and Taylor both had excellent strikes on goal turned away with a strong hand from the Fulham ‘keeper. The investable second goal came courtesy of Murray’s strength and power in the air when he headed in Obita’s corner from close range. Reading appeared to think two goal was adequate and slackened off sufficiently to allow Fulham a period of possession. Presumably with Tuesday night’s game in mind, Adkins replaced Mackie and Murray with Pogebnyank and Blackman for the final phase of the game. Blackman sealed the win with a third goal five minutes from time rounding Kiraly before steering the ball past the covering defender on the line.

Everyone seemed to agree Magath’s position is looking very shaky after this performance. However for Reading, the new signings have made a big difference. Now everyone seems to want to play and the future looks suddenly much brighter.
John Wells

This Championship game took place 3605 days ago in the 2014/2015 season.